Tinker Bee Policies

General Program Policies

Policies in this section apply to all Tinker Bees Nature Play programs.  

Tinker Bees Nature Play is a secular program using Tinkergarten Curriculum.  All Tinker Bee programs are open to all who wish to attend and will embrace and acknowledge all families and people equally.   

Are refunds offered?
If a refund is requested BEFORE the season of classes begins, families can receive a half refund (due to some supplies already being purchased or customized) or full credit towards a future class.

If a refund is requested AFTER the season of classes begins, we will not be able to offer the refund. This is due to supplies already being purchased and customized for the program. 

Are credits or refunds offered for missed sessions?
Credits and refunds not offered for classes missed by families. 

If a class needs to be canceled by the teacher without rescheduling, families are eligible for a refund or credit for the canceled session.  We will make our best effort to reschedule cancelled classes.

What happens in inclement weather?
In general, we believe that "there is no bad weather, only bad clothing."  We encourage appropriate clothing to play outside in a variety of weather.  We will typically hold class in light rain or wind, as well as on cold/hot days, as long as conditions are safe for outdoor play.

Of course, some weather is not safe for outdoor play.  Decisions about whether it is safe to hold class are determined by the teacher using local weather guidance. Heat Advisories will be considered for summer sessions depending on the time of the class. 

The teacher will update families at least 90 minutes prior to class by email and text message.

Whenever possible, sessions cancelled due to unsafe weather will be offered at another time in the season.

What is the approach to Illness/COVID-19 safety in classes?

Please do not bring sick children or adults to class. If your child has had a fever, vomiting/diarrhea, hand foot and mouth, pink eye, lice, contagious respiratory illnesses, or any other contagious illness in the last 48 hours prior to class, please stay home. We will do our best to figure out a make up class for you or a credit to the next season of classes. 

Tinkergarten Program Policies

What ages does the program serve?
The Tinkergarten program is designed for children ages 1 -8 years old and their caregivers.

Children younger and older than this age range are welcome to enroll but may need some modifications to activities.

Can siblings come for free?
Infant siblings under 1 year of age may attend classes at no additional cost. Siblings over 1 years should enroll in the class, and are eligible for a sibling discount.

If a sibling needs to attend due to scheduling change (eg. day off at school), they can attend the session at the drop in price of $25. Please note that if this a last minute class addition supplies may not be readily available for the child but we will find a way to make it work!

How do teachers foster a safe learning environment during class?
Each explorer (child) is accompanied by a guide (parent or caregiver). Teachers support guides and do all that they reasonably can to provide a learning environment that allows for safe risk-taking.

Leaders bring a First Aid Kit to class, which can be utilized by guides (attending adults) if needed.

A few simple rules help to address most situations:

We encourage children not to put nature treasures in their mouths. If a wee one is doing so as a natural part of exploring the world, we work with their guide to try to honor that need in the safest way possible.

Liability Waivers:

All caregivers must agree and sign a safety and liability waiver before attending classes that states Tinker Bees Nature Play and the Owner/Teachers are not liable for any injuries or illnesses that occur during any of our events to any caregivers or participants. 

At Tinker Bees, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our participants above all else. We want every child and caregiver to have a delightful and enriching experience during our events and classes. It's important to note that all risks associated with participation are the responsibility of the caregiver guide and their child. Tinker Bees will not be liable for any injuries that may occur while attending our events or classes. Caregivers are entrusted with ensuring that their child(ren) participate safely, and they assume full responsibility and liability for any outcomes to themselves as caregiver participants and to their children in attendance. By joining us at Tinker Bees, caregivers acknowledge and accept this responsibility, prioritizing safety while embracing the spirit of exploration and adventure. By enrolling in the program I agree to the terms of safety and liability stated above.